Compare your old and new photos

To prevent fraud, an examiner will compare your new photo with the photo from your old passport.

If the examiner can't recognise you, someone else will have to complete a form to verify that it's really you (a 'countersignature').

To save time, look at the photo in your current passport and tell us now if you look very different.

Don't worry about normal signs of ageing, or your hairstyle or facial hair changing a lot - the examiners are used to that

Can you be recognised as the same person?

Implementation advice

When an error occurs:

  • prefix the <title> with "Error: "
  • show an error summary at the top of the page
  • move keyboard focus to the start of the summary to move keyboard focus, put tabindex="-1" on the containing div and use obj.focus()
  • ensure that the summary is announced to as many screen readers as possible use role="alert" on the containing div
  • use a heading at the top of the summary
  • associate the heading with the summary box use the ARIA attribute aria-labelledby on the containing div, so that screen readers will automatically announce the heading as soon as focus is moved to the div
  • link from the error list in the summary to the fields with errors
  • add a 5px red left border to the field with the error
  • show a red and bold error message between each question and field with an error
  • associate each error message with the corresponding field by adding it to the label (or legend)

Also consider using the aria-invalid attribute to programmatically indicate that a field has an error. The value of the aria-invalid attribute will vary depending on the type of error.